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Cheap flights from Newcastle to Belo Horizonte

Belo Horizonte

Looking for cheap flights from Newcastle to Belo Horizonte then your search ends at Carlton Leisure. No travel company provides more choices than us. Just don’t wait, get the benefits of easy search, online bookings and best possible deals on flights.

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Major attractions of Belo Horizonte

Known to locals as Bay- Agah, Belo Horizonte is one of the modern and well planned cities of Brazil which is also referred as BH in Portuguese, due to beautiful views of nearby mountains. The longer you stay over here to more it grows on you and creates such a magical spell which is difficult to leave. The warm and friendly people of city are truly a winning combination for city. So visit the densely packed market stalls at Mercado Central or attend the concert at Palácio das Artes. Parque Municipal is Belo’s most appealing spots is Parque Municipal which is an enormous sea of tropical greenery with artificial lakes and winding pathways, which is just 10 minutes southeast of bus station along Av Afonso Pena. The Igreja de São Francisco de Assis is an architectural delight and paintings by Portinari are truly majestic.

Information about Newcastle to Belo Horizonte flights

  • Distance from UK: