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Cheap flights from London to Kochi

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Cheap flights from London to Kochi

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Mattancherry Market Kochi

Looking for the reasonable flight tickets to Kochi from London Airports? We at Carlton Leisure consider various travel needs of customers with proficiency and work out some of the most hand-picked deals that don’t prove to be heavy on your pocket.

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Getting around in Kochi

Getting around in Kochi is quite easy owing to city’s cost effective and efficient transport system. Mahatma Gandhi Road is the main road of the city that becomes congested during the peak hours. Most of the taxi and autorikshaw operators have very good knowledge fro of the side road that helps them take tourist from one place to another quite comfortably. The city of Kochi has an efficient transport system that consists of buses, taxis autorikshaw and train. The tourists can board privately operated red buses that are cost effective means of transportation. In addition to this, there are KSRTC buses. The Kochi Metro is also under construction that is expected to make getting around in Kochi quite comfortable.

Information about London to Kochi flights

  • Distance from UK:
  • Average Flight Duration: 12 hrs 55 mins