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Cheap flights from London Heathrow to Wellington

  • December 2024
Western Cape Wellington

Plan your dream vacations to Wellington from Heathrow with Carlton Leisure which is one of leading UK based travel agent. With expert customer service we help you to explore the places you’ve dreamed of visiting.

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Places to visit in Wellington

Situated at the southern end of North Island, the capital city Wellington is adorned with abundance of natural beauty nestled between a sparkling harbour and rolling green hills which makes it even more enchanting. There is no dearth of places to visit and enjoy your holidays. Relax at Oriental Bay or enjoy action-packed adventurous activities like mountain biking or sea-water kayaking or just stroll the beautiful harbour and surrounding hills, the city has something for its every traveller. You can ride the cable car up to the hills of Kelbum to enjoy the panoramic views of city or try tracking to reach Makara Peak or visit Te Papa the national museum of New Zealand, the city won’t leave you so easily.

Information about London Heathrow to Wellington flights

  • Distance from UK:
  • Average Flight Duration: 27 hrs 20 mins