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Cheap flights from Manchester to Melbourne

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Cheap flights from Manchester to Melbourne

  • November 2024
  • December 2024
Melbourne at night

Searching flights from Manchester to Melbourne , book your tickets with Carlton Leisure where you can search cheap flights to various destinations around the world to fly on a budget. We make affordable travel accessible, and offer dedicated customer support around the clock.

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Carlton Leisure analyzes cheap flights as well as round –trip flight deals daily, intelligently and filters airfare data to reveal the best prices and deals. You can sign up with us to get advices whether fares are rising, holding steady or dropping and whether you should buy now or wait.

Tourist attractions in Melbourne

Being steeped in culture doesn’t mean that the city has dearth of tourist attractions. The city has a lot of tourist attractions where you can visit while on your tours to Melbourne. Flinders Street Railway Station with its colonial era building is an important landmark in the city. Dockland replete with shops, bars and restaurants is also a place which is worth visiting. Besides there are Parliament House of Victoria, Eureka Tower, Federation Square, Police Museum and Immigration museum are other attractions which should be part of your itinerary.

Information about Manchester to Melbourne flights

  • Distance from UK:
  • Average Flight Duration: 22 hrs 45 mins